Friday, April 22, 2011

Characteristics parameters of an electron microscope lens

Electromagnetic lens contain soft-iron pole-pieces and copper coils. The soft-iron pole-pieces sit in the hole down the middle of the lens are surrounded by copper coils through which the current runs to magnetize the pole pieces. As the result creates a electromagnetic field (or electrostatic), depending on current and number of copper coils: B=mNI/L

clip_image002[5]The resolution of the electron lens is the minimum resolvable distance in the object. The resolution of electromagnetic lens is customarily defined in terms of the Rayleigh criterion. The finite size of the lens results in diffraction of the rays at the outermost collection angle of the lens, usually defined by a limiting aperture. This diffraction results in a point being imaged as a disk (called the Airy disk). The distance apart of the two incoherent point sources is defined as the theoretical resolution of the lens rth and is given by the radius of the Airy disk: rth =0.61*(λ/α).

The focal length of a lens is a measure of its strength, and it is defined as the distance between the lens and the beam cross-over (which is also known as the focal point) when all the beams coming into the lens are parallel to one another. The higher the field region of a condenser-objective lens the shorter its focal length.

clip_image002[7]The Depth of field, Dob is a measure of how much of the object that we are looking at remains in focus at the same time; the term depth of focus refers to the distance over which the image can move relative to the object and still remain in focus. Dob=dob/aob . When d=1nm, α=5*10-3radians, =>Dob=200nm

The Depth of focus, Dim is the extent of the region around the image plane in which the image will appear to be sharp. This depends on magnification, MT. Dim=(dob/aob)MT2

Both depth of field and depth of focus are strongly dependent on changes in aperture (hence the semi angle α) and working distance (dob).

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